1. People-driven content will be key to brands success
Brands will have to focus on creating content that shows off their team, employees and values, meaning a need to put REAL people at the forefront of everything they publish.
Viewers are bored of corporate looking explainer videos, and with the rise of TikTok followers are looking for selfie, down-and-dirty authentic content.
“With the rise of TikTok followers are looking for selfie, down-and-dirty authentic content.”
2. Brand will need to rip up the rule book on how they approach branded content
Less one-off gifting and #ad content from influencers, and more on-going partnerships, bringing longer lasting relationships and less ‘one off’ influencer campaigns.
Followers want to feel the brand x creator relationship is authentic, and brings value to the following the creator has.

3. Community-centric output will continue to rise
They’ll be a shift and further focus on bringing people together virtually and physically in closed networks and open social media spaces.
Think Facebook Groups, DMs, Discord etc. Brands will have to do more to tap into loyalty and make more of their ‘superfans’.
“Viewers will crave the ‘Netflix’ approach of longer, digestible content.”
4. Long form content will make a return
Genuine storytelling put at the forefront with viewers turning away from traditional platforms to find it. With TikTok testing 10 minute uploads, and the rise of Reels, Tiks and Shorts – viewers will crave the ‘Netflix’ approach of longer, digestible content that is beyond the 1.30 minutes in length.
But, with this, brands will have to ensure value – with more content to consume viewers and followers will become more fickle on where and what they’ll consume.
“In 2023, one of the big social platforms will finally make it work”
5. Social shopping will finally take off
TikTok have tried it, Instagram have launched it – but in 2023, one of the big social platforms will finally make it work. Expect a seamless checkout process where you find it easier to order/book/register/pay to keep you on-platform.
Could we see the end of the micro-site and a focus on your Instagram grid, once more?
What are you predictions for 2023? Need help with your social media strategy, get in touch with Monty where we offer workshops, on-going management or consultancy to help your brand scale!